
QuaCa: an open-source library for fast calculations of steady-state quantum friction

Marty Oelschläger, Simon Hermann, Christoph H. Egerland, and Daniel Reiche

Journal of Open Source Software, 8(87), 5160

Electromagnetic viscosity in complex structured environments: From blackbody to quantum friction

M. Oelschläger, D. Reiche, C. H. Egerland, K. Busch, F. Intravaia

Phys. Rev. A 106, 052205, 2022

Polaritonic Contribution to the Casimir Energy between two Graphene Layers

C. H. Egerland, K. Busch and F. Intravaia

Physical Review B 100, 235418, 2019


Estimation and approximation of the nonlinear response of stochastic neuron models with adaptation

C. H. Egerland

Master thesis, unpublished, 2021

Plasmonischer Beitrag zur Casimir-Kraft zwischen zwei Lagen Graphen

C. H. Egerland

Bachelor thesis, unpublished, 2017